Fairmont Pacific Rim Enhanced Wellness

Enhanced Wellness

Our commitment to wellness is reflected in every aspect of our guest experience, from our serene and rejuvenating accommodations to our thoughtfully curated selection of amenities and activities.

Our wellness philosophy is based around four pillars: sleep well, nourish well, move well, stay well.


Our need for rest is founded on the remarkable regenerative qualities it offers and is at the core of our hotel experience. We’re here to provide you with wellness enhancements that aid in getting you the perfect night’s sleep.


At Fairmont Pacific Rim, our culinary philosophy is inspired by the bounty of the Pacific Northwest, grounded by nature. Our offerings are nutrition rich, seasonal, locally-sourced, with a broad range of menu options.


Having an active body with regular movement has proven benefits for both our minds and bodies. We offer everything from a digital in-room workout class, a morning Stanley Park Seawall run, a bike ride around the city, or get lost in a forest.


From our natural, serene and rejuvenating spaces to an enhanced in-room wellness experience, we have a curated selection of activities and offerings to help you leave feeling inspired and energized.


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